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レーゲンボーゲンランド 虹の石 16ピース T3バー2本 セット


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レーゲンボーゲンランド 虹の石 16ピース T3バー2本 セット
レーゲンボーゲンランド 虹の石 16ピース T3バー2本 セット
販売価格:¥10560.00 税込


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    • cassis(^_-)☆.*・'゜
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    サイズが変わるたびにリピしてます。 カラーもサイズも豊富で助かってます。

    • みね ふじこ
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    この価格で大満足な商品でした! 音楽好きには気に入って使用できると思います。

    • Jayvery
    • クチコミ投稿 1件


    【TOP !!!!】 I LOVE THIS COLLECTION. \"Hatari\", besides featuring the sounds of the jungle which Mancini scored using actual instruments and gords brought to him by director Howard Hawks, contains some good jazz as well (especially a swinigin\' \"Big Band Bwana\"). \"High Time\" has some fine moments as well, and both albums show why Mancini was always in such great demand by Hollywood. The price for this two-fer is nice, too, considering the pricetag found on other imports. Where else is there another collection that ties so many of his great film songs, TV songs and a few of his versions of other hits together??? You get his 60s stuff (his best I think), some easy listening from the 70s and stuff from the 80s and 90s - a gr8 cross section.!! The sound is GREAT!!!!! All his hits are here, \"Moon River\", \"Charade\", \"Days of Wine and Roses\" etc. Ofcourse you get the themes from \"The Pink Panther\" and \"Hatari\'s\", \"Baby Elephant Walk\" representing his lighter side. Mancini tickles the ivory on a few tracks himself. He shows his jazz affinity on the arrangement of \"Big Noise From Winnetka\" which I had never been familiar with until this set. Oddly, over half the collection is devoted to the works of other composers, showing his famous \"Mancini Touch\". Some of it works and some I would stick to the originals. He does a bouncy playful arrangement of chief competitor Burt Bacharach\'s \"Rain Drops Keep Falling On My Head\". On Morricone\'s \"Untouchables\" he gives us a symphonic \"BLAST\", but is not very inspired on that composers argueably biggest hit \"The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly\". Overall this well thought out import compilation is a bargain, when you consider there are single CDs costing more and offering a lot less. Add a star if you don\'t mind skimpy liner notes, no composition dates, or whos playing what. If you are a Mancini fan, make THIS your first collection. DEAR HEART and TWO FOR THE ROAD are worth the price of admission!!★★★★★ NOTCH HENRY MANCINI

    • ちはりんりん9686
    • クチコミ投稿 1件



    • 酔(よっ)チャン
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    • 123458582
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